Friday, October 17, 2008

Halloween Treats!

Well I received my pillow box die a few days ago,(thanks Jane!) so I started getting busy for school treats! I am in charge of the kg. party so I wanted a simple to treat for Stephen to bring in.
I have to tell ya', I had a heck of a time keeping the boxes together! I used tape runner, double sided super tape and glue dots....{sometimes all together}! And some still popped open! Ugghhh!
Anyway I finally did get all I needed done.
Here's a small pic....

I think they came out pretty cute. I did a few with some glitter, but I don't have them in the picture.

Monday, September 8, 2008

My last layout!

Well I finally finished my last layout for my daughter's 1st year scrapbook! I still haven't added the journaling but I need to do that
later. Right now I am just so excited to have completed something!!!

The pp is from BG- Two Scoops. I clear embossed the birthday and confetti on the background. The balloons are also stamped, then cut out and I added string and stickles.
The rest is "gasp" stickers!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Well yesterday my "baby" turned 6 !!! He had a pirate themed birthday and although I did not get very many pictures( it was a very hectic day!) I did manage a few!

This is a "version" of the invitations. I couldn't find the original extras I had, but this is pretty close.

Here is our "scurvy" pirate!

Making Pirate flags!

Digging for gold!On a treasure hunt!

Pinata time!

Lots of swimming!

Of course cake and presents!!

Yes we had this huge moonwalk in our yard!
Here's the gang geared up!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The big 4-0 !

Yup this week, this is it, the dreaded exactly 12 pm Sunday afternoon.....the big 4-0 !!
I feel weird about it. I didn't think I would. I think I am mourning my youth, lol. I just keep thinking I will never be young again. Not that youth was all its cracked up to be!
It makes it even harder that I have older children 22 and 20 to be exact! And younger children 8 and 5!!!! Am I an older mom or a younger one???
Or maybe its because I lost my dad last year and my mom was just dx'd with breast cancer last month?
Ya' know facing my own mortality.
Or maybe its just the whole turning 40 stigma?
I don't really feel old.
Well okay when I am running to pee first thing in the morning, I feel old then!! LOL :)
Hmmmm.....a few more days to ponder this.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I am NOT a blogger!

Hi everyone!! :)

Well as anyone that comes here can see, I am not a blogger! ;)
I visit tons of blogs, mostly to look at different layouts or great scrapbooking products.
This blog was actually started because I had to have one to participate in a contest!
I don't know not one single person IRL that shares this hobby(scrapbooking) and I still feel like I really don't know which direction I am going with it.
It helps to see what different people do.
I always say I scrap like a small child with paper and crayons! It may not look perfect when I am done, but I love doing it!!! I do wish however that I had a "little" more of a design flair to me! And it would help to have a lss close by. But for now I oogle over other peoples layouts and stick to online ordering! lol
Anyway I kinda felt like I should explain this blog a little, in case someone clicked on my name on their blog and wondered what the heck??!! :)

Now being that it is going to be in the 90's all week with humidity to match, I'll leave you with some "refreshing" pics of my kids playing in the local park sprinklers........

Friday, June 13, 2008

Well I don't usually show people my lo's.....but I was able to "snag" (lol) the June kit from the Coconut Scrapshop, so I thought I would share ;)
The picture was taken the first day I got my new xti, I think she was kinda sick of posing at this point, but she was a good sport about it.

Sorry for the bad upload, IRL there are no white lines on the photo.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Last day of second grade.

Last day of school!!! She doesn't look too happy, right?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

This past Sunday my daughter made her first Holy Communion!
Here are her pic's!
Isn't she pretty!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Fire Department Field Trip

Today was Stephen's field trip to the local fire department. I'd have to say it went over big! He loves fire trucks!
It was pretty cool, they actually have a trailer that is set up like a bedroom. They fill it with smoke, a smoke detector goes off then they show the kids how to climb down a ladder out a window with the fireman's help.

Monday, April 7, 2008

1st scrapbook page!

This is my 8 yr old dd's first scrapbook page!! She was soo proud of herself! I had to put it up!

It was so sweet, she chose her "mom" for her first page! :)

Pay no attention to that chocolate chip cookie in the background!

Sunday, April 6, 2008


This was my attempt at the treat basket . I did it in about 5 minutes. I used a single sided paper(didn't want to waste my good paper if I messed it up!LOL) And..I couldn't find my permanent glue runner so I had to use the removable. A bit of advice? DON'T use removable if you want it to stay together!! It really is a cute simple idea! Now if only I had something to put in it! :)

Saturday, April 5, 2008